BOMA X MICROHABITAT: Urban Farming in Commercial Real Estate

This year, MicroHabitat is proud to have partnered with BOMA Canada for the development of a complete guide addressing urban agriculture in commercial real estate.

BOMA Canada is an organization that brings together various players in the commercial real estate sector and whose mission is to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information between members of this community. In addition to serving as a communication and learning platform, BOMA is the proud issuer of the BOMA BEST certification, attesting to the environmental performance of buildings. 

The guide “Urban Agriculture in Commercial Real Estate” developed by MicroHabitat has been added this year to the BOMA Canada information directory. Its mission is to demystify the growing urban agriculture movement by addressing the environmental and social issues behind this new sector of food production. More importantly, it describes the many benefits of this practice and the steps to follow for a successful integration into your property or organization. 

In short, the guide will walk you through the process, building on the wonderful successes of companies such as GWL Realty Advisors, Oxford Properties, and more.